刚刚对着爱尔兰移民局的官网仔细核查了一下,确实某猪需要爱尔兰过境签的提示是错误的,ADD——DUB(经停)——YYZ不需要爱尔兰签证。参考资料:S.I. No. 473/2014 - Immigration Act 2004 (Visas) Order 2014.4. It is hereby declared that non-nationals who are nationals of a state or territorial entity specified in Schedule 5 are specified as a class the members of which are required to be in possession of a valid Irish transit visa when arriving at a port in the State for purposes of passing through the port in order to travel to another state.Schedule 5: Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Moldova, Albania, Ghana, Nigeria, Cuba, Iran, Somalia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Eritrea, Lebanon, Zimbabwe.所以中国人在爱尔兰转机本来就不需要签证(如果不入关的话),更不用说经停了。楼上的回复说不需要出关应该是对的。顺便提一句,埃塞俄比亚公民在爱尔兰中转是需要中转签证的,但乘坐ET航前往北美在DUB经停除外,参考资料:2015年的法律修订案S.I. No. 175/2015 - Immigration Act 2004 (Visas) (Amendment) Order 2015: 4A.The declaration in Article 4 does not apply to non-nationals who are nationals of Ethiopia and who— (a) having travelled directly from Ethiopia, arrive at a port in the State for the purposes of passing through the port in order to travel to Canada or the United States of America, and who, at the time of such arrival, have permission given by the competent authorities of the state concerned— (i) to enter or be in that state, (ii) to land in that state, or (iii) to arrive at a port in that state for purposes of passing through the port in order to travel to another state...不过我想这个社区应该没有埃塞俄比亚公民:)