

1181 9
本帖最后由 atzg 于 2023-4-7 20:13 编辑
lo participate in the Promotion, members must register for the Promotion within the Promotional Opt-in Period (1 April 2023 . 31 May 2023) prior to their stay byclicking on the "Register" button on the designated website page. Once they are egistered as being opted in, members must then book and complete more tharone and up to four eligible stays of two sequential nights or more during the Promotional Stay Period (1 April 2023  30 September 2023). The eligible stay:must be completed and the member must be checked out on or before 30 September 2023 for the stays to be considered towards the promotion. Ongoingstays with a checkout date after 30 September 2023 will not be considered towardsthe promotion and consequently will not receive Promotional DS for that stay undelthe Promotion.Members who have registered for the Promotion within the Promotional Opt-inPeriod will receive DS25 after a second eligible stay within the Promotional StayPeriod, D$50 after a third eligible stay within the Promotional Stay Period anoDS75 after a fourth eligible stay within the Promotional Stay Period. No additionapromotional DS will be awarded for any further eligible stay within the Promotional Stay Period.
Bookings and eligible stays made prior to the Registration will not be considered as a qualified eligible stay towards the promotion, even if they are in the Promotional Stay period Bookings made prior to 1 April 2023, will also not be considered towards the promotion

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9 个评论

teeyueng  蓝钻会员  2023-4-7 14:12:29  | 显示全部楼层
1. 所有符合条件的住宿必须在2023年4月1日-2023年9月30日间完成(最迟不得晚于9月30日退房)
2. 每次入住需至少连住 2 晚,包含多间客房的预订将被视为单次住宿,并像单间客房预订一样获得奖励
3. 在活动时间外的预订,即4月1日之前或5月31日之后,均不符合活动条件
pep780723  黑钻会员  2023-4-7 14:18:58  | 显示全部楼层
atzg  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2023-4-7 20:08:39  | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 atzg 于 2023-4-7 20:13 编辑
teeyueng 发表于 2023-4-7 14:12
1. 所有符合条件的住宿必须在2023年4月1日-2023年9月30日间完成(最迟不得晚于9月30日退房)
2. 每次入住需 ...
Once they are egistered as being opted in, members must then book and complete more than one and up to four eligible stays of two sequential nights or more during the Promotional Stay Period (1 April 2023  30 September 2023)
丁角落  终钻会员  2023-4-8 00:33:53  | 显示全部楼层
自己看吧,不说了 好多公众号说0活动要在531前完成预定,但是我看规则没写,GHA有国内客服可以咨询吗
atzg  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2023-4-8 12:28:01  | 显示全部楼层
丁角落 发表于 2023-4-8 00:33
你让看啥……expire date指注册时间没问题吧,就像万豪q1 4月9日前注册的,4月23之前的入住都算
丁角落  终钻会员  2023-4-8 13:35:18  | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 丁角落 于 2023-4-8 13:55 编辑
atzg 发表于 2023-4-8 12:28
你让看啥……expire date指注册时间没问题吧,就像万豪q1 4月9日前注册的,4月23之前的入住都算
鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
atzg2023-4-8 18:15
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
我不用飞客  蓝钻会员  2023-9-3 08:05:49  | 显示全部楼层
atzg  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2023-9-4 11:48:51  | 显示全部楼层
我不用飞客 发表于 2023-9-3 08:05





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