ほろよい 发表于 2024-4-20 12:21你还是好好读读条款吧兄弟别上来就硬杠。 1. 之前条款里明确的是大中华区第三方预定可以享受待遇,直到23年末修改条款 2. 加持指的是预定上的名字不是你,你是同住人但拥有贵宾级别,这个操作在19年就被万豪在条款层面禁止了,给是酒店的自行操作。
4.1.c. Benefits of Elite membership apply to stays on Qualifying Rates (as described in Section 2.1.e.) and are reserved for Members only and apply solely to the one guest room in which the Elite Member stays.
2.1.e. Qualifying Rates. A “Qualifying Rate” is the rate a Member pays for a Stay in a guest room at a Participating Property which qualifies to earn Points or Miles. Qualifying Rates include most business and leisure rates, such as rates found on Marriott.com without an application of a discount code, standard and premium retail rates, advanced purchase rates, corporate negotiated rates, and national/regional/local government rates. Unless otherwise specifically stated, Members will receive their membership tier benefits during stays on Qualifying Rates.