
GHA12月初延期回复 更新

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AdamSamder  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2023-2-13 10:55:23  | 显示全部楼层
lkjsel1 发表于 2023-2-9 17:51
'm very sory to bother you,because 1 live n China. Acording to the urrent Chinese manland CoViD-19 epidemic prevention measures, basicaly can not eat, can mnot go out,elven
ther owm community can not get in and out mormaly, At present, there are more than 20 D sleft in the account that cannot be used propery but t is about to eyxpire. 1 would ike task if it can be extended,My membership number is
AdamSamder  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2023-2-13 10:55:34  | 显示全部楼层
lkjsel1 发表于 2023-2-9 17:51
'm very sory to bother you,because 1 live n China. Acording to the urrent Chinese manland CoViD-19 epidemic prevention measures, basicaly can not eat, can mnot go out,elven
ther owm community can not get in and out mormaly, At present, there are more than 20 D sleft in the account that cannot be used propery but t is about to eyxpire. 1 would ike task if it can be extended,My membership number is
AdamSamder  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2023-2-13 10:55:46  | 显示全部楼层
馥芮白不白 发表于 2023-2-3 13:30
'm very sory to bother you,because 1 live n China. Acording to the urrent Chinese manland CoViD-19 epidemic prevention measures, basicaly can not eat, can mnot go out,elven
ther owm community can not get in and out mormaly, At present, there are more than 20 D sleft in the account that cannot be used propery but t is about to eyxpire. 1 would ike task if it can be extended,My membership number is





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