本帖最后由 sander9t 于 2015-8-31 08:45 编辑 电梯 第一弹:高端卡(主贴) 第二弹:普通消费卡第三弹:类别消费卡第四弹:最佳双卡组合第五弹:“抽屉卡片”第六弹:免费附加权益第七弹:免境外手续费由于置顶的精华帖已经过时很久了,我其实很早就想总结一下美国信用卡。很多人知道我有个英文的网站/博客(完全没有广告和referral链接),但我在这里还是想用中文简洁的总结一下。首先声明一下,这个帖子不打算讨论signup bonus,因为这个变化太快了。如果你的消费不是很大而且很多联名信用卡都没有的话,我建议你在提高信用分数的基础上每隔半年申请若干张新卡(最好每个银行限制一张),然后你的消费基本上都在完成最低消费上面,那就不用考虑日常消费都需要用神马卡来最大化收益了。如果你消费比较大,需要几张卡来最大化收益,或者是你需要一些卡的特殊权益,那这个帖子会是非常好的讨论贴,我希望这个贴是一个互动的平台。 第一弹:高端卡(年费300刀以上) - Amex Platinum:年费450刀,加三张Platinum Card副卡只需再加175刀。每年有200刀航空公司抵用,因此等效年费认为250刀。两大亮点:Fine Hotels & Resorts (FHR)是目前最好的由信用卡提供的奢华酒店精选,不熟悉的童鞋请看我不断更新的长贴,机场贵宾休息室包括100+家美国国内的(DL, AS, Airspace, Centurion, Priority Pass Select)以及550+家国际的(Priority Pass Select),大部分都是只有持卡人本人免费(Airspace和Centurion继续允许2个免费客人)。除了200刀抵用是整个账户共享之外,副卡拥有其他所有权益包括FHR和休息室。另外高盛版本对年消费超过100K的持卡人额外奖励40K积分。
- Amex Delta Reserve: 年费450刀。三大亮点:50多家DL休息室(从5月1日起只有主卡持卡人本人免费),每年一张免费美国国内头等或经济舱同行机票,年消费超过60K额外奖励30K的MQM和普通里程。
- Chase United MP Club Card: 年费395刀。三大亮点:United Club包括50家美国国内和200+家国际休息室主卡持卡人加两位客人免费,普通消费1.5 mile/$是攒积UA里程的最高回报率,最后是Primary租车保险。
- J.P. Morgan Ritz-Carlton Card: 年费395刀。每年有300刀航空公司抵用(5/1/2014从200刀提高刀300刀),因此等效年费认为95刀。四大亮点:每年3张R-C酒店行政客房升级券,R-C或万豪金卡(首年直接赠送,以后需要年消费10K来维持),Lounge Club包括25家美国国内和330家国际休息室持卡人加一位客人免费(副卡也有报告申请拿到的),最后是Primary租车保险。
- J.P. Morgan Palladium: 年费595刀,目前置对JPM和Chase私银客户开放。四大亮点:休息室United Club包括50家美国国内和200+家国际休息室主卡持卡人加两位客人免费还有Lounge Club包括25家美国国内和330家国际休息室主卡或副卡持卡人加一位客人免费,Palladium奢华酒店精选(合约酒店数量比FHR少太多),消费回报旅行双倍积分和年消费超过100K额外奖励35K积分(攒积UR积分的最高回报率),最后是Primary租车保险。
- Citi Executive/AAdvantage WEMC: 年费450刀。两大亮点:Admirals Club包括50+家美国国内(AA, US和特定AS)和30+家国外(Qantas等)休息室主卡持卡人加两位客人免费,年消费40K后额外奖励10K EQM。
- Citi Prestige(2014年10月19日之前): 年费450刀,每张副卡50刀。每年有200刀航空公司抵用,因此等效年费认为250刀。四大亮点:每年一张免费国内或国际经济舱同行机票,15%机票折扣,AA的40家休息室主卡持卡人加两位客人免费(2014年3月新权益)和Airport Angel的11家美国国内和400+家国际休息室主卡或副卡持卡人本人免费,最后是潜在的巨大消费收益(普通消费最高达4%,吃饭最高达6.4%,其实15%机票折扣也可以看作变相的消费收益)。200刀抵用是整个账号共享,副卡不能进AA休息室但却享有Airport Angel以及自己的同行机票和机票折扣。另外这张卡的免费权益比如行程延误、行李丢失损坏、行李延误、价格保障等等基本上都是高端卡中最好的(至少纸面上看)。等效年费250刀却有实用的各种权益和高消费收益,加上副卡50刀也超值,让Citi的Executive/AA情何以堪啊,我们认为这张卡是当下的高端卡之王,唯一的希望是Citi不要将它贬值。
- Citi Prestige(2014年10月19日起):年费450刀,每张副卡50刀。每年有250刀航空公司抵用,因此等效年费为200刀。三大亮点:(1)AA的40家休息室主持卡人加两位客人免费和Priority Pass Select包括AS等国内和国际共近600家休息室主卡或副卡持卡人外加两位客人免费;(2)酒店权益包括新的第四晚免费;(3)在众多高端卡中仍然有最好的消费收益(航空/酒店/旅行代理包括各种旅行网站三倍积分,吃饭/娱乐双倍积分,普通消费单倍积分,另外citigold有15%年度奖励,而私银用户有25%年度奖励)。虽然我认为比旧卡对大多数人来说是贬值了,在高端卡中仍然是翘楚。
- Diners Club Card Elite:年费300刀,每张副卡150刀。三大亮点:独特的3-1消费收益(无上限买菜/加油/药店三倍积分),Diners Club自己的休息室计划包括美国国内18家全球500多家机场休息室主卡或副卡持卡人本人免费,primary租车保险。
- CNB Crystal Visa Infinite:美国的第一张Visa Infinite卡,年费400刀首年免费。每年有250刀航空公司抵用,因此等效年费为150刀。四大亮点:(1) Priority Pass Select国内外共近600家休息室持卡人(主卡或副卡,最多两个membership)外加客人免费(目前不清楚是一位还是两位);(2)免费的CLEAR会员,美国某些机场快速安检通道;(3)酒店权益为Visa Infinite Hotel Collection覆盖范围和普通的Visa Signature相同,但权益上有类似FHR的100刀餐饮/水疗/消费券因此可能非常给力,另外罗兰夏朵酒店欢迎礼品和早餐;(4)美国国内经济舱同行机票100刀折扣,可以使用无数次。
- Visa Black Card by Barclays:年费495刀,每张副卡195刀。三大亮点:Lounge Club包括25家美国国内和330家国际休息室主卡或副卡持卡人加两位客人免费,Black Card VIP Hotel and Travel权益(Ensemble, Mandarin Oriental, Villas of Destination三部分)全球3000多家酒店或别墅,2%等价返现(兑换机票)。
最后总结一下几个主要权益: - 机场休息室:自从今年Amex Platinum失掉AA/US后,如果你需要美国国内休息室的话选择将是非常有限的,DL常客还是Amex Platinum比较好,当然如果你很需要DL的MQM可以考虑Delta Reserve,AA/AS常客应该选择新版Citi Prestige比较好,只有当你对EQM有需求才考虑Citi Executive/AA,UA常客选Chase MP Club是相当不错的,当然如果你能拿到JPM Palladium的话更好。
- 奢华酒店:Amex Platinum仍然是最好的,Visa Black Card和CNB Crystal的也算比较给力,如果你常R-C和万豪但住不够金卡或需要RC酒廊的话JPM Ritz-Carlton卡也是非常棒的。
- 消费收益:新版Citi Prestige虽然贬值了但仍然是高端卡中的翘楚。Diners Club Elite的无上限加油/买菜/药店三倍积分也很厉害。高盛版的Amex Platinum年消费超过100K后收益是1.4 point/$。Delta Reserve年消费60K收益是1.5 mile/$。MP Club Card收益无论年消费水平都是1.5 mile/$。JPM Palladium年消费超过100K后收益是1.35 point/$。Visa Black则是简单的2%等价返现。
- 精英会籍里程:Delta Reserve年消费60K后送30K MQM。Citi Executive/AA年消费40K后送10K EQM。
英文原版比较详细供参考: In this featured review, we will compare some of most popular high-end cards in the market, which carry annual fees between $400 and $600. If you want to know about the super exclusive "black card", read our Amex Centurion review. All the following cards come with dazzlingly long lists of benefits such as airport lounge access, luxury hotel privileges, 24/7 concierge service, global assistance, by invitation only events, and some offer airline companion pass, elite hotel status, cruise privileges, etc. However, here we want to get down to the core perks of each product to make the comparison simple for most readers.- Amex Platinum Card: annual fee is $450 and $175 for up to three additional Platinum Card users. The card used to dominate this niche market, and over the years we have seen the benefits diluted mostly due to changes in the airline industry which were out of Amex's control. Even after the 2014 changes (American Airlines and US Airways left the lounge program in March 2014, and Delta stopped allowing free access for guests starting May 2014), it is still considered our benchmark. Since the card comes with the annual $200 airline incidental credit, the effective annual fee is considered to be $250. For that money, Amex offers two major perks: Fine Hotels & Resorts (FHR) which is arguably the best luxury hotel program provided by a credit card, and access to 100+ domestic lounges (Delta, Alaska, Airspace, Centurion, Priority Pass Select) and 550+ international lounges (Priority Pass Select), mostly for yourself only. Note that for an extra $175/year, you can have up to three additional Platinum Card users and each will have airport lounge access and FHR benefits. If you spend more than $100K a year, try to get the Goldman Sachs version which, in addition to all standard Platinum features, offers a 40KMembership Rewards points booster.
- Amex Delta Reserve: annual fee is $450. Its three major perks are 1) access to 50+ Delta Sky Clubs for the primary cardholder only, 2) an annual domestic coach/first class companion pass, and 3) a 30K Delta Medallion Qualifying Miles (MQMs) bonus after $60K spending. It makes sense when you make use of the last two perks; otherwise you would be better off with Amex Platinum.
- Chase United MP Club: annual fee is $395. The three major perks are 1) the full United Club membership allowing access to 50+ domestic lounges and 200+ international lounges for the primary cardholder plus two guests, 2) the highest earning rate for United miles at 1.5 mile per dollar spent, and 3) primary rental car insurance.
- J.P. Morgan Ritz-Carlton: annual fee is $395 but with the annual $300 airline incidental credit, it is considered to be $95. The Ritz-Carlton Card has four major perks: 1) three club level upgrades at Ritz-Carlton each year, 2) complimentary Ritz-Carlton & Marriott Gold status for the 1st year and after $10K annual spending thereafter, 3) primary rental car insurance, and 4) access to 25 domestic lounges and 330+ international lounges for you (primary cardholder and authorized users) plus one guest through Lounge Club.
- J.P. Morgan Palladium: annual fee is $595 and $99 for each authorized user, but this card is only available to J.P. Morgan Private Bank or Chase Private Client customers. Its exclusivity and premium image makes it harder for us to compare with other cards with similar annual fees. However, we still list it here just for the sake of comparison. The major perks are 1) full United Club membership allowing access to 50+ domestic lounges and 200+ international lounges for the primary cardholder plus two guests, 2) Lounge Club membership allowing access to 25 domestic lounges and 330+ international lounges for you plus one guest (an authorized user also receives Lounge Club membership), 3) Palladium Hotels program which is similar to Amex FHR but has much smaller footprints, 4) primary rental car insurance, and 5) 2x points on travel an annual 35K points booster after you spend $100K - 1.35 point per dollar spent is the highest earning rate forUltimate Rewards points. The last one makes Palladium a great card to charge daily if your annual spending exceeds $100K.
- Citi Executive/AAdvantage WEMC: annual fee is $450. The two major perks are the full Admirals Club membership allowing access to 50+ domestic lounges (American, select Alaska) and 30+ international lounges (Qantas etc.) for the primary cardholder plus two guests, and an annual 10K Elite Qualifying Miles bonus after $40K spending.
- Citi Prestige WEMC: annual fee is $450 and $50 for each authorized user but with the annual $250 airline credit, it is considered to be$200. It offers three major perks: 1) access to 40 American Admirals Clubs for the primary cardholder plus two guests and 20+ domestic lounges (including Alaska) and 550+ international lounges through Priority Pass Select for you (primary cardholder or authorized user) plus two guests; 2) hotel privileges including 4th night free at any hotel at your choice through International Complimentary Night Hotels & Resorts (ICNHR) program; 3) a 3-2-1 ThankYouearning structure with a potential 15%-25% annual relationship bonus. The late 2014 change of Citi Prestige is considered as devaluation for most consumers; however, when compared to other high-end cards, it still shines in both lounge access and points earning.
- Diners Club Card Elite: annual fee is $300 and $150 for each additional card. Its three major perks are 1) the unique 3-1 Club Rewardsearning structure (unlimited 3x on groceries, gas and drugstores), 2) access to 18 domestic lounges and over 500 international lounges for the primary and additional card members through Diners Club's airport lounge program, and 3) primary rental car insurance.
- CNB Crystal Visa Infinite: annual fee is $0 for the first year and $400 thereafter. The annual fee is considered $150 for the second and subsequent years after using the $250 annual airline credit. With that, you receive four major perks: (1) Priority Pass Select membership(s) with unlimited access to 600+ airport lounges for you (primary cardholder and up to one authorized user) and your guests, (2) a free CLEAR membership for quicker security at select airports, (3) hotel privileges through Visa Infinite Luxury Hotel Collection and at Relais & Chateaux, and (4) $100 companion discount per trip for domestic coach class airfare.
- Visa Black Card by Barclays: annual fee is $495 and $195 for each authorized user. It offers three major perks: 1) Lounge Club membership with unlimited access to 350 airport lounges worldwide for you plus two guests, 2) Black Card VIP Hotel & Travel program through Ensemble Hotel and Resort Collection, Mandarin Oriental, and Villas of Destination, which gives you booking benefits at over 3,000 luxury hotels and villas worldwide, and 3) 2% cash equivalent travel rewards for all expenses.
The bottom line is that each of these products targets a certain group of consumers and can be of great value even with the seemingly hefty annual fees. Finally, let's summarize our comparison based on the four most sought out perks:- Airport Lounge Access: while they all have some coverage of airport lounges when it comes to international travel, for domestic airport lounge access in U.S. which is harder to obtain through premium cabin travel or elite status, a frequent flyer of a particular airline has very limited choice. If you are a Delta flyer, you can't beat the value and perks of Amex Platinum. If you need Delta MQMs in addition to Sky Clubs, Amex Delta Reserve is worth checking out. For American and Alaska flyers, Citi Prestige will be the best choice. If you need American EQMs, Executive/AA will be your sole option. For United flyers, United MP Club Card is a solid option while JPM Palladium is probably the card you will get if you qualify due to its exclusivity and enhanced features.
- Luxury Hotel Privileges: All cards come with some sorts of luxury hotel benefits, but you have to look into details to decide which suit your need. If you frequent luxury hotels, Amex Platinum has long been considered the best bet due to FHR's wide coverage of over 750 luxury hotels and resorts worldwide, consistent benefits, and various promotions. Visa Black Card VIP program, via Ensemble Hotel and Resort Collection, Mandarin Oriental, and Villas of Destinations, is a great alternative to Amex Platinum's offering. Crystal's Visa Infinite Hotel Collection is also worth considering, due to the enhanced benefits over regular Visa Signature cards. Palladium's hotel collection is similar to these three programs in benefits but only covers a little more than 100 hotels. If you frequent Ritz-Carlton and Marriott, you will certainly like what JPM Ritz-Carlton Card offers. Finally, you may still get some good value out of Visa Signature Luxury Hotel Collection (via United MP Club, JPM Palladium, or JPM Ritz-Carlton), World Elite Luxury Hotels & Resorts (via Executive/AA, Citi Prestige, or Diners Club Elite), and Citi Prestige ICNHR's 4th night free.
- Rewards: Citi Prestige's 3-2-1 earning structure with great flexibility in redemption (1.6 cents per point when redeeming for American flights or transfer to 10 partners including Singapore, Cathay Pacific, Malaysia) still make it the benchmark among the high-end cards when it comes to rewards. Diners Club Elite offers 3 points per dollar spent on groceries, gas, and drugstores and Club Rewards points can be transferred to 20+ partners programs including Alaska, Southwest, Delta, British, Air Canada, Singapore, and Korean Air. United MP Club Card returns 1.5 miles per dollar spent and is extremely attractive when you are collecting United miles. When you spend at least $60K a year, Delta Reserve returns 1.5 miles per dollar spent but Delta miles are generally not as valuable as many other airline miles. When you spend over $100K a year, Goldman Sachs version of Amex Platinum returns 1.4 points per dollar spent and Membership Rewards points can be transferred to 20+ partner programs including Delta, British, Air Canada, ANA, Singapore, etc. Also with an annual spending over $100K, JPM Palladium returns 1.35 points per dollar spent and Ultimate Rewards points can be transferred to 11 partners including United, Singapore, British, Korean, Southwest, and Hyatt. Visa Black Card returns fixed value 2% cash equivalent travel rewards for all purchases.
- Reach Elite Status Faster: while several cards come with some elite like perks such as priority boarding and waived baggage fees, only two cards offer a way to reach the next level of elite status faster through spending. Delta Reserve's 30K MQMs bonus after $60K spending could be huge to a Delta flyer. Citi Executive/AA's 10K EQMs bonus after $40K may seem not much, but American EQMs are extremely hard to come by thus it may still make sense to some.