本帖最后由 GraysonGong 于 2022-5-27 17:55 编辑 🎵We used to drive all night, In your father’s car,Used to get lost in time, Where did it all go wrong, We used to kiss all night, Stayin up till the dawn, Used to get lost in time, Where did it all go wrong.
又回到最初的起点,我与绅士淑女第一次邂逅的地方——成都丽思。记忆中彼时无欲无求,还是小白,订了双床也给了双床,缘由套房全在修缮…当初正值第一波疫情恢复期,客人比员工多,体验不言而喻,也有了我那一句just for one room card。成都是离重庆最近有狮王的城市(sigh),也是一座极具包容性、创造性,文旅丰富,酒店业欣欣向荣的都市(羡慕脸),加上地板到起不来的价格,也让我重回蜀都再次与🦁️相遇。
🎵We used to dance all night, In your favourite bar, Yeah it was real good times, Where did it all go wrong, We used to touch all night, Staying up till the dawn, Used to make love in the dark, Where did it all go wrong.