
Your Address in the Sky

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一、 客房]酒店很厚到,FHR定了行政房之前一级,预定成功后,直接升级行政房,入住当天,再升一级,到行政角房。其实,有点担心,酒店太厚道,升级到行政套房,套房一人住,不合适,浴缸和景色都不是我想要的\"\"。备品等全部打包带走。入住后就架起了设备,为了拍日出日落。 Your Address in the Sky

Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky

三、 设施与服务

Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky

四、 周边玩乐]这次只为了看枫叶而来,所以就4天行程,去头掐尾2天,都往京都跑了,去了清水寺、平安神宫、永官堂、岚山,坐了岚山小火车、京马车、保津川漂流。永官堂,4点15左右去排队的,第一位\"\",等我夜枫赏好后,出来,排的队伍还没全进入。 Your Address in the Sky

Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky

五、 整体评价]一年多,三次大阪旅游,三次大阪康莱德,是因为要入住康莱德选择了旅行,还是因为旅行需要住宿选择了康莱德,已分不清。当40层的电梯打开的瞬间,已经深深的种草,期待下次大阪,下次大阪康莱德!附上关西机场大阪烧\"\"3400日元的免费额度 Your Address in the Sky

Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky
Your Address in the Sky

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鲜花 (47朵) 鲜花榜
伦敦眼2019-12-16 10:04
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伦敦眼2019-12-16 10:04
送了1朵鲜花:  谢谢分享!
MattC2019-12-8 11:15
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
铂金2019-12-8 10:32
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
张小豆2019-12-8 10:08
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!


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23 个评论

bluerossi    匿名飞客  发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00

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鲜花 (2朵) 鲜花榜
司馬小相如1 小时前
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
Ke1vin1 小时前
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
samwu2222  终钻会员  | 2019-12-7 11:37:11  广东  | 显示全部楼层
鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
YYCANDY2019-12-7 11:38
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
YYCANDY  蓝钻会员   楼主 | 2019-12-7 11:48:30  上海  | 显示全部楼层
期航 发表于 2019-12-7 11:43
可以泡着看夜景,照片是上次的,这次没拍 Your Address in the Sky
bsky  黑钻会员  | 2019-12-7 11:51:55  韩国  | 显示全部楼层
鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
YYCANDY2019-12-7 12:02
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
伦敦眼  禁止发言  | 2019-12-7 13:00:08  北京  | 显示全部楼层

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鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
YYCANDY2019-12-7 14:22
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
飞客1911668  禁止发言  | 2019-12-7 14:05:58  北京  | 显示全部楼层

回帖奖励 +1 威望

鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
YYCANDY2019-12-7 14:22
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
飛客2000000  禁止访问  | 2019-12-7 14:17:34  北京  | 显示全部楼层

回帖奖励 +1 威望

鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
YYCANDY2019-12-7 14:22
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
鹏哥吉祥  蓝钻会员  | 2019-12-7 14:19:33  河北  | 显示全部楼层

回帖奖励 +1 威望

鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
YYCANDY2019-12-7 14:22
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
samwu2222  终钻会员  | 2019-12-7 14:40:00  广东  | 显示全部楼层

回帖奖励 +1 威望

鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
YYCANDY2019-12-8 10:37
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
Supermanam  钻石会员  | 2019-12-7 16:45:27  河北  | 显示全部楼层
鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
YYCANDY2019-12-8 10:37
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
深海牧渔  黑钻会员  | 2019-12-7 17:47:15  广东  | 显示全部楼层
鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
YYCANDY2019-12-8 10:37
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
evisu  蓝钻会员  | 2019-12-7 18:30:37  浙江  | 显示全部楼层
想起了阿桑的一首歌,enjoy yourself
鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
YYCANDY2019-12-8 10:37
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!



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