1. 问题背景我之前的DU入住报告提到了,前台说“DU不过夜,所以没积分”,并且我猜测前台说的积分是指base分而不是10000分。听到这个说法时,我觉得前台在胡扯,因为在我印象里,DU不给N是合理的,确实没过夜,给不给S似乎有点争议,但是既然有住店消费,P应该要给吧,不然太不合理了。入住报告链接如下:
https://www.flyert.com/thread-3862832-1-1.html2. 希尔顿官网条款快速阅读虽然我觉得前台说的很扯淡,不过还是打算先研究下条款做点准备,如果不给10000分,我觉得可能还能忍,base分不给我觉得忍不了。
总条款,使用Control+F检索“Day Use”或者“Dayuse”关键词都无法找到条款中关于DU的规定。然后用Google搜“Hilton Day Use T&C”也无法找到来自希尔顿官方对于Day Use的条款说明(即 没有单独为DU设立一个条款,而像是honors discount会员折扣价这种不痛不痒的价格都有
Accrual of Points):
"Hilton Honors Points can be earned for hotel stays only at hotels within the Hilton Portfolio. Participating hotels within the Hilton Portfolio are subject to change at any time, without notice. Consult individual hotel listing on Hilton.com or at HiltonHonors.com to determine participation. If a hotel ceases to be a hotel within the Hilton Portfolio, all stays subsequent to such date will not be eligible to earn Hilton Honors Points regardless of when the reservation was made.To earn Hilton Honors Points or credit toward tier status for hotel stays, a Member must be a registered, paying and staying guest at a participating hotel within the Hilton Portfolio and meet all of the conditions described herein. Members may also earn Hilton Honors Points for eligible charges to Hilton Honors credit cards, a list of such credit cards is available here, subject to terms outlined in their Cardmember Agreement. See the Credit Card Terms and Conditions for additional details. Points may also be earned for other activities as designated by Hilton Honors from time to time.A "stay" is defined as the total number of consecutive nights spent at the same hotel, whether or not a guest checks out and checks back in again. Specifically excluded from the definition of "stay" are the following types of ineligible stays:wholesale/tour operator packages;.........third party websites bookings (irrespective of rate paid); and"opaque" channel bookings where the brand may or may not be known at the time of purchase.Hilton Honors Points (or stay credit) may not be earned (including as a My Way benefit) for or during ineligible stays, including without limitation, folio charges incurred during ineligible stays. If at least one night of the Member's stay is consumed with the use of Hilton Honors Rewards Points, the entire stay is considered a "Reward Stay" and Hilton Honors Points may be earned. Participating hotel will determine whether incidental charges incurred during either of those stays are eligible for Points.No Points or credit toward tier status will be awarded for "no show" situations when a Member has made a reservation guaranteed with a credit card but then does not check in to the hotel--irrespective of whether or not the Member's credit card is charged for any portion of the reserved stay per the hotel's "no show" policy."总结起来就是:
1. 我住的是一家希尔顿旗下酒店,且入住时酒店依然和希尔顿合作 (满足);
2. 作为入住人,我注册了会员也付费了(满足)
3. 除了以上两点之外,还列举了一串不合资格入住情形,大概就是第三方预订、冒用亲友价这些,但我官网的预订显然没有被排除在外,这一长串也没说日间房不可以(满足)
4. 没有No-Show(满足)
3. 茶馆相关主题帖研究在查阅了若干帖子之后,发现有部分朋友在很多年前就遇到过DU积分无法到账的问题,并且与中文英文客服都沟通过,希尔顿客服无论中英文在此问题上的处理是存在分歧的,一部分认为DU肯定可以积分,另一部分则认为DU没法积分,若用户追问根据条款哪一条无法积分,则绝大多数无法作出令人信服的回答。而一则2016年的帖子的
总条款"To earn Hilton Honors Points or credit toward tier status for hotel stays",即通过入住希尔顿旗下酒店积分,是基于产生了有效的"stay"。
2)还是根据条款,"A "stay" is defined as the total number of consecutive nights spent at the same hotel, whether or not a guest checks out and checks back in again." 即"stay"的产生是基于连续入住的N,对于这一条款,我们常用的理解是连续一家住1晚也好还是20晚也好,都只是算一个S,无论订单是1个还是拆开的若干个。但同时这个条款也可以解读为,DU并没有过夜,也就没有Night(N),如果N=0,则S也只能为0,Stay如果不存在,也就没法满足1)的要求而积分。
条款,条款全文有多达5次提到"stay",甚至将workspace的入住描绘成了"day stay"。很显然,希尔顿内部编写条款的人自己都认为"stay"可以适用于日用房呢,那么既然DU是stay,因为“DU不是stay而拒绝给分"的逻辑也就不成立了。
5. 总结与展望在我可能存在局限的认知范围内,希尔顿除了这次的workspace有T&C外,缺乏对于DU极其衍生产品在条款上的清晰陈述,而workspace毕竟是临时性的活动,一旦活动期过去,以后如果住普通的DU,就很难用现行的workspace条款中关于stay的阐述来驳斥部分客服第3小点中的DU没stay所以没分的逻辑。因此我认为workspace活动一旦结束,广大会员入住DU是在条款上存在一定的S和P的获取风险的,因此,在此呼吁一下希尔顿集团能够早日对于DU在SNP获取方面的条款进行明确与完善。