Mammamia! is a trip to and through Italy, delivering a thorough experience of Italian Culture. We make Chinese customers feel Italian by recreating the smells, atmosphere and the food that a true Italian restaurant provides.We bring our Italian customers back home to their mother’s cooking - a cucina e mamm;. We create by using healthy and authentic Italian food in truthful and traditional recipes: a flavours' d; vu.
我非常愛吃這款2015年~2017年我常常逛歐洲進口超市買地道食材自己下廚房翻看以前自己的朋友圈發現我真的很可愛:{期盼已久的Mozzarella di Bufala,明天來一份Insalata Caprese。小時候我就對美食有濃烈興趣,如今多了一份執著,盡可能地買原產地食材,盡可能地還原'地道',除了對味道的追求外,也要對美食知識掌握得全面。五年前的小本子、我還在寫着。知識是永遠不會嫌滿的}