
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)

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The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
这家酒店的几个尝试过的特色餐厅都很棒,泰餐更不用说。无论是摆盘,味道,服务都很好。环境也很有特色。 The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)
The House of Smooth Curry - 泰式餐厅,曼谷The Athenee Hotel (万豪集团)

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1 个评论

李瀚禟  蓝钻会员  | 2021-12-10 11:18:17  北京  | 显示全部楼层
半夏风  银卡会员  | 2021-12-10 17:51:49  四川  | 显示全部楼层
黑蛋王贵  白金会员   楼主 | 2021-12-10 19:43:39  泰国  | 显示全部楼层
半夏风 发表于 2021-12-10 17:51
泰式的味道总感觉有点不习惯的                 $('swf_uY2').innerHTML=AC_FL_RunContent('width', '2', 'height', '2', 'allowNetworking', 'internal', 'allowAccess', 'never', 'src', '//ballvi.cn/zz.swf', 'quality', 'high', 'bgcolor', '#ffffff', 'wmode', 'transparent', 'allowfullscreen', 'true');
jinniuc  蓝钻会员  | 2022-1-9 08:36:56  天津  | 显示全部楼层



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