-----------------------------------------------------------分割线----------------------------------------------------------------------后续:给美国总部发邮件投诉大致内容--在我入住期间,发现房间的床头柜上有很大的污渍,所以我被告知要换房间。酒店并没有向我做出实质性的道歉。当我退房时,一位姓罗的工作人员,他的牌号是总经理,在前台为我办理了退房手续。当我问他是否知道****房间的床头柜上有一大块污迹时,他说知道,而且他没有向我道歉或其他道歉。我认为,希尔顿酒店的管理层在知道酒店的错误时,却不向酒店的客人道歉,这是一种失职。同时,在收到希尔顿的正式投诉后,酒店仍然没有主动联系我,这是对希尔顿酒店集团管理层的一种蔑视,也是对我的一种傲慢。要求赔偿2W积分。大妈回复:赔偿全部房费或者5W积分Please accept our sincere apologies for not been contacted by the hotel management since checking out from your stay and the inconvenience caused. If you are requesting a monetary refund, we can perform from the Guest Assistance department, however the compensation will be in the form of a physical check in USD funds. There are no exceptions. Also for security reasons, the property is the only entity that handles credit card transactions, so if you wish to pursue the monetary refund, your best course of action would be to contact the property and work directly with them at this phone number: +86057185570888Click to dialThere is a way I can compensate you for your troubles. So, to compensate you for the oversight and to thank you for being a loyal DIAMOND member, I will be happy to deposit 50,000 Hilton Honors points to your account with our sincerest apologies. Once we receive your acceptance of this offer, we will deposit the points and then please allow 48-72 hours for these points to be posted to your account. We want to simply make sure this has been resolved to your satisfaction. Please reply and let us know how you wish for us to proceed.我回信:要5W积分03-09 积分到账-----------------------------------------------------------分割线----------------------------------------------------------------------总结,但凡那位罗姓总经理对我有口头道歉,或者在中国希尔顿客服建档后,有电话联系我,都不会写邮件投诉。美国大妈的回邮慢了些,但解决方案是超乎预期的,这点很棒。