前几天我在论坛上看到在Bilt上面可以注册申请环球客挑战,按照提示完成了Bilt注册,Link了自己的凯悦账户。我以为已经万事大吉。结果今天收到Bilt的邮件提示我have not yet enrolled to unlock World of Hyatt Elite Status.需要在Bilt的app上的Rent Day选项卡上面Unlock才行。刚刚匆匆忙忙地上去Unlock,最后看到Done的字样,今天应该是成功补救了。
收到邮件就可以We received your request for World of Hyatt Elite status. You’ll hear back from us no later than April 17th with details on your enrollment.Talk soon,Bilt
天昶 发表于 2023-4-2 15:18收到邮件就可以We received your request for World of Hyatt Elite status. You’ll hear back from us no later than April 17th with details on your enrollment.Talk soon,Bilt