14个月信用记录,持有C1-14个月,AMEX GREEN 5个月,
We're writing to let you know we are unable to approve your BILT WORLD ELITE MASTERCARD® accountapplication for the following reasons
ercent of credit accounts opened in last 6 months (We look at how much new credit you may betaking on)
Too many inquiries or applications for credit in the last 3 months (We look at how much new credityou may be taking on)
Amount of credit available on open bank cards (We look at the amounts you owe and compare itto your credit limit)
Credit accounts opened too recently (We look for a history that shows how you've managed creditover time)
About our credit decision andyour consumer reportOur decision was based in whole or in part on information in a consumer report (often called a creditreport) fom the consumer reporting agency below, This agency was not involved in our decision andcannot provide you with specific reasons about our decision.
However, we want to make sure you're aware of your right under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to knowthe information in your credit file and to receive a free copy ofyour consumer report from the agency ifyou request it within 60 days after you receive this notice, if you find that any information in the report isinaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to dispute it with the reporting agency. To obtain a free copyofyour report,please contact:
P.0.Box 2002
Allen,TX 75013