卡航的保级/升级要求到底是什么?因为手上有美版的卡航信用卡,用此卡每消费1500美刀便可赚到2 Qpoints,那么不飞、全靠刷卡拿到足够的Qpoints是可能的,但才发现有地方写的:
In addition to the below tier qualification and retention criteria, you will need to have earned at least 20% of your Qpoints or have flown 4 sectors (within 12 months prior to retention) or 8 sectors (within 24 months prior to retention) on flights either marketed* or operated** by Qatar Airways.
那其实是否两个条件都必须要达成才能保/升级?中文客服说是达成其中一个(靠飞赚20% Qpoints或者飞4个QR的航班)便可,但今天打电话, 英语的说必须两个条件也要达到,到底那个是真