Dear XXX,
First of all, we apologize for the late response to your feedback.
Since your Turkish Airlines flight did not appear to be included in the status match program criteria, an error occurred and a ticket was opened to our IT teams to resolve your issue. For this reason, we are responding to your feedback late as we were waiting for a response to the relevant ticket.
Your relevant flight is now included in the status match criteria and since you flew a Turkish Airlines flight, your membership has been extended for 8 more months.
As of start date of elite membership within 1 year period, If you reach 15,000 Status Miles in the international flights you will perform with Turkish Airlines in the first year of your Elite membership, your membership is extended for 1 more year (i.e. it remains valid for 2 years in total after the match). You now have 1875 status miles qualifiying for the status match program. Your membership will be extended for another year when the number of miles you earn from your flights with Turkish Airlines reaches 15,000 status miles until July 4, 2025.
We hope to see you in the skies again soon.
Sincerely Yours,
Fatmagul K.
Elite / Elite Plus Customer Representative
Customer Contact Center