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St.Regis Bangkok, Once enough

2018-10-10 13:38 |原作者: beijiguxing | 发布者: 社区巡查17| 查看: 4285| 评论: 0 | 访问原文

简介:The last day of the National Day holiday, Which hotel should I live in? New Marriott which has very attractive swimming pool or St.Regis which has always been of high quality? What I'm entangled in i ...

The last day of the National Day holiday, Which hotel should I live in? New Marriott which has very attractive swimming pool or St.Regis which has always been of high quality? What I'm entangled in is that I don't know how to choose.Considering that I could enjoy a exceedingly hearty dinner, if booking through the UnionPay channel  I can get 100 dollars in food coupons,finally I chose the St Regis. The new Marriott stayed for the next experience.

Because of the excellent location of the St Regis,  It's very convenient to go anywhere, whether to go shopping or go to nightclubs.Without square in front,No special identification, the hotel looks very low-key.When we came down from the taxi, we didn't even feel that it was the best luxury hotel.The ushers were very enthusiastic and offered to help us with our luggage. There was no check-in counter in the door, only a few restaurants.We took the elevator to the 12th floor to check  in . There were few people, but the atmosphere was totally different from the W Hotel which is always relaxed and fashionable. I think business atmosphere is the tradition of the St Regis.
The front desk clerk, who helped us check in, was beautiful and fluent in English. She told me that because I was a platinum member, they had prepared a suite specially for me.Before I checked in, I sent an email to the hotel to ask if they had prepared a smoking room for me. I wanted to confirm the type of room they had arranged for me by email, but they only told me they had a smoking room ready for me.So I didn't expect so much that they could give me a suite.

I like bright feeling, but when I enter the room, I find the light is dim and I feel a little disappointed.The furniture was very old, and the carpet left too many traces of history.
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Before choosing this hotel, I read many posts on the flyertea.com.Many friends say the Italian restaurant dishes in this hotel are delicious.So I went to the JOJO restaurant to eat Italian food, and  spent $100 on the way.I remember when I was in Shenzhen Regis, I also went to the hotel's Italian restaurant, the price is very expensive, and the taste is very ordinary.I feel like I've been fooled.So this time I was very disturbed.JOJO restaurant environment is very good, has the high quality service personnel, lets the human be very joyful.Unfortunately, the menu in the restaurant is in English and does not provide photos of dishes.For us who are not very good at English, ordering is the biggest problem.Finally we ordered a set meal (no discount ), a steak and two drinks (20% discount for platinum members).The exquisite dishes left a deep impression on me, but it was not as delicious as I thought.
2D061A76-CA78-4EDF-8EC5-1D8590AAE23E.jpeg68ADB7D9-5E9B-4544-AFA5-26ABB0B1C10B.jpegA4E9D512-E0B1-456F-96E7-72AA945CF221.jpeg93DF17AE-0F82-4C9A-AA92-D34D673816BC.jpeg17B83321-EBE3-42C6-8645-E357ABD6AA0F.jpeg1DB54F5C-7508-4B97-8C6A-430C8286B689.jpegCAC91255-8F21-464D-815E-5B80A1D6A837.jpeg6DE19B83-AF81-4D50-894D-AEE8E549DDFA.jpegF5BA20AA-827E-4059-BCDB-1D7DE6C708BD.jpeg385FE6FA-F821-46B9-B4F6-36F7C41AD22A.jpegVery small roast suckling pig at * 1450 baht.
5E9C24BC-1F29-4ABB-95C7-32A656069186.jpegThe price of this steak is 1990 baht.8D6F7259-8476-42D9-8264-8DEE715A60AB.jpegQQ鎴浘20181010003758.jpgWe spent 4679 baht in total.We searched every dish on the search engine. Every dish is actually a very authentic Italian dish, and its ingredients are exquisite.Considering the elegant environment and the impeccable service, I would like to recommend you to have a chance to taste it.

After dinner, we went to the red light district of Sukhumvit and visited a pornographic massage shop which we had been to last time.Yes ,very famous Angel massage. When we went, many Chinese and Japanese also came in endless stream.We meet each other and have a tacit understanding.The price of the 1 hour package is 2200 baht (including tipping).Maybe it is because of good service quality that business is always so good.After enjoying it, we decided to go to the GAY bar to explore and satisfy our curiosity.We searched Baidu for information and decided to go to dreamboy bar.The entrance fee for dream boy bar is 550 baht, much higher than the 300 baht on the Internet.The bar was spoiled by the Chinese.We arrived at 11 p.m., and the performance was over soon. It was very uneconomical.The live performance was shocked and several hemophrodite were seen.Live sex is exciting.All kinds of difficult sex poses make us an eye opener.At last, I realized that GAY could satisfy each other.After the performance, all the male prostitutes showed themselves and looked forward to being taken out.I saw a Chinese sitting next to me and took a handsome guy out.But this Chinese looks ugly and bad.I wonder what kind of experience this boy will have tonight.Money makes the mare go.I think this boy is miserable. Maybe he is forced to make a living.

About 1 a.m., we returned to the hotel.On the second day, at 8 a.m., we got up and went to breakfast.The restaurant is on the 12 floor.The restaurant has a good view and beautiful scenery.But I feel that breakfast is not as good as W hotel.But it's much better than many other hotels.
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03D8AE30-E250-49B4-851C-45FC1BF450B3.jpeg2D230128-985D-4E4D-8DE7-405D3CAE0F79.jpeg434D8D51-267B-45A0-87CB-4D2726F5B087.jpeg7D949235-4B0E-4DEE-9126-FD9D78C3D678.jpeg863012D3-92B0-4FEF-B134-40F561BADAA4.jpeg5F623BF2-5591-4574-AA75-96DE9C41B348.jpeg117A57A4-EDC1-442F-BBA7-77F2C03854C4.jpegSummary: the price of the Regis is the most expensive in SPG hotels in Thailand.Perhaps, it is specially prepared for the person who recognizes it.Compared with the W hotel's boasting and individuality, it is more steady and business. Its quality service will satisfy everything you want. Of course, you need to pay more.For me, the next time I come to Bangkok, I will continue to choose W Hotel, which has a high cost-effective, spacious and bright room, is my favorite.If you recognize the service and positioning of the Regis, if you don't like the personality and publicity of young people, if you are a business guest, the Regis must be your first choice.Of course, the premise is that you are rich enough to afford.
QQ鎴浘20181010011659.jpgThat's all.

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