

2949 10
Dear Sir/Madam,
I will have several trip arrangement with Cathay Pacific in following months. I'm writing this email to see would you please match me to the silver card of Marco Polo Club?
Last year, I completed 64 flight trips, mostly with Skyteam members, including China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines, KLM and Air France. I also had Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon 8 times in last year and once in this year. Currently I'm a gold card member of China Southern Airlines but I would like to choose Cathay Pacific as my first choice for future flights. China Southern Airline's withdrawal from Skyteam is one of the reasons I would like to leave. Also, in my previous trips with Cathay Pacific, I felt happy with the experiences and I think HKIA is very convenient to connect everywhere. In addition, as an observer of UNFCCC, every year I will fly to a country for the international climate change negotiations. This year's conference will be held in Chile in December. I know QANTA and LATAM are two other proud members of Oneworld. I would also like to try the flight network of Cathay Pacific and other Oneworld airlines to make this trip.
Please find my gold card of China Southern Airlines and my flight accords attached. I will have two flights with Cathay Pacific in July and two others in Sept and Oct. Two in July are confirmed now with the code XXXXXX. Other new trips are being considered. My Marco Polo Club number is 1234567890 and I'll appreciate it if you could kindly consider my application.
Best Regards,
Dear Mr Li
Thank you for contacting the Marco Polo Club Service Centre and for
providing us the information in your previous email.
Based on the information we have already been provided with, we are
delighted to confirm that we have directly upgraded your Marco Polo Club
membership to Silver tier status. You should receive a new membership
card pack at your profile mailing address within two to four weeks.

鲜花 (10朵) 鲜花榜
是葱头2021-1-9 05:40
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占有欲与你772020-10-28 02:46
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teddyfly2019-10-15 11:33
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Aguaallen2019-7-24 14:05
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fmb2019-7-24 04:30
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10 个评论

klinsi0118  终钻会员  | 2019-7-19 18:22:03  上海  | 显示全部楼层
不错不错 恭喜恭喜 感谢分享
鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
香港侯亮平2019-7-19 18:23
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
oujing619  白金会员  | 2019-7-19 18:28:53  英国  | 显示全部楼层
谢谢LZ分享。match 的理由写的很充分,有理有据,让看的人觉得这不像是来碰瓷的所以match了银卡。另外之前自费100刀开绿卡也有可能是另一个考虑因素,说明自己是真心想将来飞CX。
鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
香港侯亮平2019-7-19 22:53
送了1朵鲜花:  Life is better when shared!
cks  钻石会员  | 2019-7-22 11:07:55  上海  | 显示全部楼层
我觉得是楼主写的作文打动了CX。  100昏100昏。写的条理清晰。[鼓掌]恭喜楼主
ezez1997  白金会员  | 2019-7-22 11:46:18  美国–弗吉尼亚州  | 显示全部楼层
条理清晰 铿锵有力 (笑
Zein  银卡会员  | 2019-7-24 13:42:03  北京  | 显示全部楼层
zhuyw1997  白金会员  | 2019-7-24 13:50:42  上海  | 显示全部楼层
Timez  蓝钻会员  | 2019-7-25 12:35:26  北京  | 显示全部楼层
Zein  银卡会员  | 2019-7-26 12:03:43  新加坡  | 显示全部楼层
lokchingmay    匿名飞客  发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00
鲜花 (18朵) 鲜花榜
夜绮真1 小时前
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purplehaze2 小时前
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zzzmike4443 小时前
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zzzmike4443 小时前
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nonmarine5 小时前
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gamecenteruk  蓝钻会员  | 2019-7-26 15:06:36  英国  | 显示全部楼层
zhuyw1997 发表于 2019-7-24 13:50




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