2019-7-11(约北京时间 2019-7-12 13:00)
美国联合航空公司(United Airlines)推出 2019 年第 5 次购买里程促销活动。通过官网购买 MileagePlus 里程,可享额外最高 75% 奖励。
美联航基本上每个月都有一次里程促销活动,最低价格是 100% 奖励(买一送一)或者五折促销。此次促销是最高 75% 奖励,而且貌似是一次定向促销,如果有被定向到,刚需可少量购入。
https://buymiles.mileageplus.com/united/united_landing_page/ 促销条款:
Promotional offer valid until 11:59 p.m. CT on July 11, 2019.
Miles are available in increments of 1,000 miles for the first 35,000 miles and in 5,000 mile increments up to a maximum of 100,000 miles.
Bonuses will be calculated on a per transaction basis only. The bonus amount applicable to a transaction is shown in the chart. Transactions may not be aggregated to calculate the bonus.
Bonus Miles will generally be credited to the recipient's MileagePlus account when the transaction is complete; provided that certain transactions may take up to 48 hours.
Bonus miles count towards the 175,000 mile annual limit per account.
Purchase up to 175,000 miles per account per calendar year.
Credit card will be billed immediately upon purchase.
Mileage rates and other fees and offer terms are subject to change.
Pricing is only available for purchases made through buymiles.mileageplus.com
Miles are nonrefundable.
Purchased miles do not count toward MileagePlus Premier® status.
All MileagePlus Program Rules and terms and conditions apply.
GST/HST is charged to Canadian residents.
Powered by Points to purchase United MileagePlus miles. Transaction will appear as 'Points United Miles'.
Earn up to 75% bonus miles for a limited time. Hurry, this offer ends july 11, 2019.
Buy 5,000 - 14,000 miles | Get 30% bonus miles
Buy 15,000 - 29,000 miles | Get 60% bonus miles
Buy 30,000 - 100,000 miles | Get 75% bonus miles
购买里程从 2,000 里起卖,每个账号每年
最多可以购买 175,000 里程。要注意的是,这个 17.5 万里的购买限制包括奖励的部分,也就是购买里程后实际到账的里数。
此次促销您可以最多购买:100,000 + 75,000(奖励)= 175,000 里,
价格是 $3,500 + $262.5(税费) = $3,762.5 美元,
成本:$3,762.5 美元 ÷ 175,000 里 × 10000 = $215 美元/万里 ≈ ¥1478 人民币/万里。

2,通常完成购买后,积分立即到账,特殊情况不会超过 48 小时内到账。
3,购买的积分不能用于 MileagePlus 会员等级的保级或升级。
7,美联航还有一个著名的 UA8000 玩法。就是可以用 8000 点 UA 里程,兑换 800 英里以内的星空联盟航司非跨区直飞里程票(除了北美)。UA 8000 点里程在 75% 奖励时的购买成本是 $172 美元。
中国大陆、中国台湾、韩国同属于北亚地区(具体区域划分可参照官网),UA8000 有极高性价比。例如: 从上海出发,800 英里可以到达北京、天津、大连、沈阳、广州、深圳、台北、汉城。
8,UA 里程的有效期是 18 个月,期间账户里只要有任何一次变化(增/减),所有里程将从变动日期开始顺延 18 个月。
9,美联航贵宾会籍可以用万豪精英会籍来 Match,万豪白金卡 Match 美联航银卡,万豪钛金卡 Match 美联航金卡。
10,美联航里程促销是通过合作伙伴 Points.com 提供销售服务,关于 Points.com 的介绍可以参考这篇文章:常旅客购买酒店积分或者航空里程的专用网站 Points.com 介绍。